Are dietary supplements needed?
A growing number of people reportedly take dietary supplements. In the US, around 77% of the population has admitted to taking supplements at one point, but what do they do, and are they really needed? Experts can agree on the fact that people need to eat a balanced diet in order to stay healthy and avoid any issues. However, obtaining all of the vitamins and minerals you need can be difficult through diet alone. This is why many people choose to supplement their diet with vitamins or other products.
By taking a vitamin supplement or similar product, a person can support their levels of certain vitamins or minerals. You can find these products at a vitamin and supplements shop, and prices can vary depending on what you buy. If you want to save costs, buying in bulk is usually recommended. A deficiency in certain vitamins can lead to serious health problems, so it’s important to get it right. However, some dietary supplements are far more useful than others.
The Most Important Supplements for Your Health
If you have a healthy diet and lifestyle, you still may want to add supplements to reach your recommended vitamin and mineral levels. Some of the most popular supplements include:
- Multivitamin – A multivitamin is a general-purpose supplement that provides a lot of different vitamins and minerals in one. Even if you have a balanced diet, you may still benefit from taking one each day. If you have a varied and balanced diet, you may be missing out on certain vitamins that are essential for your health.
- Fish oil – Fish oil has become a very popular supplement for people all over the world. Taken as a small capsule, this product contains Vitamin D which helps the body use calcium and phosphorus. In addition, there have been studies linking fish oil to heart health, as it contains Omega 3 oils.
- Vitamin D – Some people who live in areas that receive less sunlight may benefit from taking vitamin D supplements. Our bodies form vitamin D by absorbing sunlight through the skin, so a lack of direct sunlight can lead to deficiencies. A lack of vitamin D can affect bone and musculature health, so it’s an important supplement to take in the right conditions.
- Vitamin B12 – B vitamins perform a variety of functions in our bodies, and B12 is essential for contributing to normal energy metabolism. It’s also been down to help cognitive function during the ageing process. This supplement is usually found in meat, so those with a plant-based diet can suffer as a result.
Checking With Medical Professionals
As with any time you take a product that can affect your health, you should always speak to a medical professional first. There are some supplements that may lead to side effects, and not everyone reacts to the same products in the same way. If you think you may have a deficiency, you should always speak to your doctor first before taking any supplements. They’ll be able to advise you best on what’s good for your health.
If you do decide to purchase a supplement online, be sure to check reviews and only buy from a trusted supplier. You should do your research before buying and make sure that you’re getting something that isn’t going to be harmful. You should also be wary of companies or products that promise instant or unrealistic results.